Return Largest Numbers in Arrays

This blog explains my solution to Return Largest Numbers in Arrays, a Bonfire exercise from Free Code Camp. The goal of this exercise is to make an array that combines the largest number of each sub-array. This might be useful if you’re creating a list of the top scores made by football teams in a league…

Title Case a Sentence

This blog explains my solution to Title Case a Sentence, a Bonfire exercise from Free Code Camp. The goal of this exercise is to return the given sentences with the first letter of each word capitalized, while the rest of the word is lowercase. To write the code, you need to use several methods …

Longest Word in String

This blog explains my solution to Find the Longest Word in a String, a Bonfire exercise from Free Code Camp. The goal of this exercise is to find the longest word in a string and return its length as a number. To write the code, you need to split a phrase…

Check for Palindromes

This blog explains my solution to the Check for Palindromes, a Bonfire exercise from Free Code Camp. The goal of this exercise is to figure out if a given string is a palindrome - a word, phrase, or a group of characters that reads the same backward or forward, and if it is, it will return true. Otherwise…

Create your first HTML canvas drawing

Did you know you can draw on a webpage? Thanks to the newest version of HTML (called HTML5), you’re now able to actually "draw" images onto a webpage simply by writing code. That’s it! There’s no longer a need to use graphic design programs, like Illustrator. Instead you can simply open …

How to Add Code Snippets to a Blog

When writing about web design, you might need to add code snippets to your blog from time to time. The following is an easy to use technique. You won’t believe how simple the steps are. Before you know it, you’ll be posting code snippets all over your blogs. …